Genome Browser | Synapse Documentation

Genome Browser

Biodalliance Setup

  • Species = Supports human (hg19/Gr37) and mouse (mm10/Grch38) genomes
  • chr = Chromosome number
  • viewStart = Start position
  • viewEnd = End position

Supported File Types


  • Source name = Track name
  • File = synID of a bigwig file (.bw, .bigWig)
  • Height = Height of the track (pixels)
  • Color = Color of the track


Note: To embed vcf and bed files, the files must be in the correct format. Please view how to prepare vcf and bed files below if they are not in the right format.

VCF (.vcf.gz AND .vcf.gz.tbi)

  • Source name = Track name
  • File = synID of a compressed vcf file (.vcf.gz)
  • Tabix file: synID of a tabix index file (.vcf.gz.tbi)
  • Height = Height of a datapoint glyph in the track (pixels)
  • Color = Color of the track

BED (.bed.gz AND .bed.gz.tbi)

  • Source name = Track name
  • File = synID of a compressed vcf file (.vcf.gz)
  • Tabix file: synID of a tabix index file (.vcf.gz.tbi)
  • Height = Height of a datapoint glyph in the track (pixels)
  • Color = Color of the track

Preparing VCF and BED Files

  1. Download and build the tabix and bgzip programs
  2. Compress your vcf or bed file using bgzip (example.vcf -> example.vcf.gz, example.bed -> example.bed.gz) {row} {column width=6}
bgzip example.vcf

{column} {column width=6}

bgzip example.bed

{column} {row}

  1. Create a tabix index file for the bgzip-compressed vcf or bed (example.vcf.gz.tbi, example.bed.gz.tbi) {row} {column width=6}
tabix -p vcf example.vcf.gz

{column} {column width=6}

tabix -p bed example.bed.gz

{column} {row}

  1. Upload both onto Synapse and enjoy Biodalliance!

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